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Custom Synthesis May 8,2024.

Custom synthesis is a common and necessary service in the field of chemical development and production. But how is the price of custom synthesis calculated and what factors affect it?

First of all, the price of custom synthesis is mainly affected by the difficulty of the synthesis and the cost of the materials required. Basic synthesis may range in price from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars, while complex molecular design and the use of rare materials may drive the cost up to over $100,000 dollars. For example, synthesizing a new drug precursor or complex organic molecule usually requires advanced techniques and expensive raw materials.

Second, the amount of synthesis required is also a key factor in price. Smaller orders are usually more expensive per unit because the fixed costs of the synthesis process need to be amortized over a smaller volume. On the contrary, large-scale production can effectively reduce the unit cost and is suitable for customers who need large quantities of the same compound.

Further, the urgency of the project will also affect the price. If a customer requires expedited services, this will usually involve additional overtime costs and possibly technical risk management costs. As a result, the cost of expedited synthesis will be higher than synthesis services under a regular schedule.

In addition, the post-processing and purification process is also a non-negligible part of the costing. Particularly for products that require specific purity levels, such as pharmaceutical-grade or electronic-grade compounds, the purification process can become complex and time-consuming, adding to the overall cost.

In summary, the price of custom synthesis varies depending on the specific requirements of the project and is often influenced by the difficulty of the synthesis, the volume of the order, the urgency and the purification requirements. Understanding these factors will help clients make more reasonable budgets and decisions. When budgeting for synthesis services, clarity of requirements and likely costs is key.

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